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Q: 3/8 as a decimal

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Answer : 3. "0.375"
Explanation :

Answer: C) 0.375 Explanation: Expressing 3/8 as a decimal fraction: We can convert 3/8 into a decimal fraction by just dividing 3 by 8 or making 3 into 8 parts. Then, it is 3/8 = 0.375 as a decimal fraction.   Other Method:: 3/8 as a Decimal : In this we should convert the denominator into 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000,... to make it simple. Now to make 8 into 1000, we multiply numerator and denominator with 125   => (3 x 125)/(8 x 125) = 375/1000 = 0.375.

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